As of 10/13
New Prairie Girls Teams:
3.Lake Central
6.Culver Academy
7.Crown Point
8.Harrison (WL)
11,West Lafayette
13.Morgan Township
New Prairie Girls Individuals:
1. Karina James11 Lowell
2. Bailey Ranta 11 Chesterton
3. Lexi Allen 12 Culver Academy
4. Kaylie Politza 10 Valparaiso
5. Lillian Zelasko 10 New Prairie
6. Hailey Orosz 12 Wheeler
7. Jennifer Romero 11 Seeger
8. Madilyn Calloway 11 Rochester
9. Emma Hellwege 11 Wheeler
10, Haley Mansfield 12 West Lafayette
11, Ella Bensz 12 LaPorte
12. Hannah Moore 9 Northwestern
13. Jaelyn Burgos 12 Crown Point
14. Cheyanne Stock 10 Valparaiso
15. Julynne Spidell 11 Kokomo
16. Amzie Maienbrook 11 Rensselear Central
17. Natalie Kransky 10 Lake Central
18. Brenna Sobecki 10 LaPorte
19. Catherine White 11 Chesterton
20. Bri Gentry 11 Chesterton
New Prairie Boys Teams:
1,Crown Point
3.Lake Central
7.West Lafayette
8.Morgan Township
11,Hanover Central
12.Harrison (WL)
13.Illiana Christian
14.New Prairie
New Prairie Boys Individuals:
1. Lucas Guerra 12 Highland
2. Cole Raymond 11 LaPorte
3. Leonel Soriano 12 Harrison (WL)
4. Quinton Bock 12 Crown Point
5. Cole Simmons 12 Crown Point
6. Elijah Stenberg 10 West Lafayette
7. Justin Van Prooyen 12 Illiana Christian
8. Brayden Curnutt 12 Western
9. Brady Vroom 11 Illiana Christian
10. Jacob Kissling 12 Warsaw
11, Bryce Noble 11 Hanover Central
12. Anthony Saberniak 12 Crown Point
13. Dieubeni Baributsa 12 Harrison (WL)
14. Matthew Streeter 12 Chesterton
15. Cole Dolson 11 Chesterton
16. Joel Bryant 11 Valparaiso
17. Sam Bell 12 LaPorte
18. Owen Thomas 11 Morgan Township
19. Zachary Dunn 11 Merillville
20. Samuel Tullis 11 Culver Academy
New Haven Girls Teams:
1. Carroll (FW)
2. Hamilton Southeastern
3. Penn
4. Concordia Lutheran
5. Homestead
6. Huntington North
7. Fishers
8. Leo
9. FW South Side
10. Norwell
11. Northridge
12. Bishop Dwenger
13. West Noble
14. Oak Hill
15. Delta
New Haven Girls Individuals:
1. Zoe Duffus, 12, Carroll (FW)
2. Nicki Southerland, 9, Delta
3. Halle Hill, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
4. Addison Knoblauch, 9, Homestead
5. Lauren Bales, 12, Norwell
6. Addy Wiley, 11, Huntington North
7. Shelby Christman, 12, Carroll (FW)
8. Sarah Mahnensmith, 12, Norwell
9. Ashlyn Minton, 12, Carroll (FW)
10. Sarah Busch, 12, Bishop Luers
11. Anna Runion, 11, Fishers
12. Brooke Hansen, 11, Carroll (FW)
13. Grace Newton, 10, Hamilton Southeastern
14. Julie Smith, 11, Penn
15. Lydia Bennett, 10, DeKalb
16. Taylor Hansen, 9, Carroll (FW)
17. Maggie Powers, 9, Hamilton Southeastern
18. Katie Woods, 11, Bishop Dwenger
19. Nicole Marshall, 12, Penn
20. Haylee Hile, 10, Northridge
New Haven Boys Teams:
1. Hamilton Southeastern
2. Fishers
3. Concordia Lutheran
4. Goshen
5. Penn
6. Carroll (FW)
7. Bishop Dwenger
8. Homestead
9. Bellmont
10. Westview
11. Northridge
12. Oak Hill
13. Huntington North
14. Wabash
15. Angola
New Haven Boys Individuals:
1. Izaiah Steury, 11, Angola
2. Nolan Satterfield, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
3. Bennett DuBois, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
4. Karsten Schlegel, 11, Concordia Lutheran
5. Will Clark, 12, Fishers
6. Spencer Carpenter, 12, Westview
7. Mariano Retzloff, 11, Penn
8. Will Marquardt, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
9. Matthew Leppert, 12, Fishers
10. Jack Patrick, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
11. Preston Sloffer, 11, Carroll (FW)
12. Remington Carpenter, 12, Westview
13. Jaylen Castillo, 12, Fishers
14. Braden Sweet, 12, Southwood
15. Robert Lohman, 11, Carroll (FW)
16. Ethan Baitz, 11, Homestead
17. Daniel Adair, 11, Concordia Lutheran
18. Drew Hogan, 11, Goshen
19. Cole Johnston, 11, Goshen
20. Austin Hall, 11, Columbia City
Brown County Girls Teams:
1. Columbus North
2. Bloomington North
3. Floyd Central
4. Northview
5. Bloomington South
6. Jasper
7. Edgewood
8. Barr-Reeve
9. Terre Haute South
10. South Knox
11. Brown County
12. Corydon Central
13. Seymour
14. Princeton
15. Gibson Southern
Brown County Girls Individuals:
1. Annalyssa Crain – 12 – Edgewood
2. Mackenzie Barnett – 12 – Columbus North
3. Gnister Grant – 9 – Northview
4. Brianna Newell – 10 – Columbus North
5. Clara Crain – 10 – Edgewood 6. Andi VanMeter – 11 – Jasper
7. Jaydon Cirincione – 11 – Floyd Central
8. Lily Baker – 10 – Columbus North
9. Lily Myers – 10 – Bloomington South
10. Abby Fleetwood – 10 – Brown County
11. Bea Cakmak – 11 – Bloomington North
12. Emma Callahan – 10 – Bloomington South
13. Sydney Morlok – 10 – Columbus North
14. Rachel Allison – 10 – Bloomington North
15. Katie Winkler – 12 – Heritage Hills
16. Ellen White – 10 – Columbus North
17. Savanna Liddle – 10 – Floyd Central
18. Ally Wigand – 10 – Jasper
19. Kaitlyn Stewart – 9 – Floyd Central
20. Jessica Meza – 10 – Columbus North
Brown County Boys Teams:
1. Columbus North
2. Floyd Central
3. Northview
4. Bloomington South
5. Bloomington North
6. Terre Haute North
7. Jasper
8. Terre Haute South
9. Seymour
10. Castle
11. Jennings County
12. Borden
13. Bloomfield
14. South Knox
15. Evansville Reitz
Brown County Boys Individuals:
1. Reese Kilbarger-Stumpff – 11 – Columbus North
2. Camden Marshall – 12 – Corydon Central
3. Andy Stohr – 12 – Columbus North
4. Spenser Wolf – 12 – Forest Park
5. Matt Newell – 11 – Columbus North
6. Matt Gambill – 11 – Terre Haute South
7. Austin Pulkowski – 12 – Columbus North
8. Carson Heath – 12 – Martinsville
9. Nolan Bailey – 11 – Bloomington North
10. Evan Carr – 11 – Columbus North
11. Abe Eckman – 11 – Jasper
12. Hunter Griffin – 12 – Floyd Central
13. Dylan Zeck – 10 – Terre Haute North
14. Dylan Bland – 12 – Southridge
15. Kyle Clark – 10 – Bloomington North
16. John Asplund – 12 – Bloomington South
17. Collin Pruitt – 12 – Columbus North
18. Cael Light – 12 – Terre Haute South
19. Jcim Grant – 9 – Northview
20. Will Conway – 9 – Floyd Central
Shelbyville Girls Teams:
3.North Central
4.Franklin Central
6.Franklin Community
8.Center Grove
10.New Palestine
12.Park Tudor
14.Guerin Catholic
Shelbyville Boys Teams:
4.Center Grove
7.Guerin Catholic
8.Franklin Central
10.North Central
11,Ben Davis
As of 10/6
New Prairie Girls Teams:
3.Lake Central
6.Culver Academy
7.Crown Point
8.Harrison (WL)
11,West Lafayette
13.Morgan Township
New Prairie Girls Individuals:
1. Karina James11 Lowell
2. Bailey Ranta 11 Chesterton
3. Hailey Orosz 12 Wheeler
4. Lexi Allen 12 Culver Academy
5. Lillian Zelasko 10 New Prairie
6. Kaylie Politza 11 Valparaiso
7. Jennifer Romero 11 Seeger
8. Madilyn Calloway 11 Rochester
9. Emma Hellwege 11 Wheeler
10, Haley Mansfield 12 West Lafayette
11, Jaelyn Burgos 12 Crown Point
12. Ella Bensz 12 LaPorte
13. Hannah Moore 9 Northwestern
14. Julynne Spidell 11 Kokomo
15. Cheyanne Stock 10 Valparaiso
16. Catherine White 11 Chesterton
17. Brenna Sobecki 10 LaPorte
18. Natalie Kransky 10 Lake Central
19. Amzie Maienbrook 11 Rensselear Central
20. Bri Gentry 11 Chesterton
New Prairie Boys Teams:
1,Crown Point
3.Lake Central
7.West Lafayette
9.Morgan Township
11,Hanover Central
12.Harrison (WL)
14.Lafayette Jefferson
15.New Prairie
New Prairie Boys Individuals:
1. Lucas Guerra 12 Highland
2. Leonel Soriano 12 Harrison (WL)
3. Cole Raymond 11 LaPorte
4. Quinton Bock 12 Crown Point
5. Cole Simmons 12 Crown Point
6. Elijah Stenberg 10 West Lafayette
7. Brayden Curnutt 12 Western
8. Bryce Noble 11 Hanover Central
9. Anthony Saberniak 12 Crown Point
10, Dieubeni Baributsa 12 Harrison (WL)
11, Jacob Kissling 12 Warsaw
12. Sam Bell 12 LaPorte
13. Matthew Streeter 12 Chesterton
14. Cole Dolson 11 Chesterton
15. Joel Bryant 11 Valparaiso
16. Zakaria Mohiuddin 12 Lake Central
17. Owen Thomas 11 Morgan Township
18. Zachary Dunn 11 Merillville
19. Bruce Liepart 12 Hobart
20. Henry Balagtas 11 West Lafayette
New Haven Girls Teams:
1. Carroll (FW)
2. Hamilton Southeastern
3. Penn
4. Concordia Lutheran
5. Homestead
6. Huntington North
7. Fishers
8. Leo
9. Northridge
10. Mt. Vernon (Fortville)
11. Norwell
12. Oak Hill
13. Bishop Dwenger
14. FW South Side
15. Delta
New Haven Girls Individuals:
1. Nicki Southerland, 9, Delta
2. Zoe Duffus, 12, Carroll (FW)
3. Addison Knoblauch, 9, Homestead
4. Halle Hill, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
5. Lauren Bales, 12, Norwell
6. Addy Wiley, 11, Huntington North
7. Shelby Christman, 12, Carroll (FW)
8. Sarah Mahnensmith, 12, Norwell
9. Sarah Busch, 12, Bishop Luers
10. Anna Runion, 11, Fishers
11. Maggie Powers, 9, Hamilton Southeastern
12. Brooke Hansen, 11, Carroll (FW)
13. Grace Newton, 10, Hamilton Southeastern
14. Taylor Hansen, 9, Carroll (FW)
15. Keller Whicker, 10, Concordia Lutheran
16. Julie Smith, 11, Penn
17. Lydia Bennett, 10, DeKalb
18. Haylee Hile, 10, Northridge
19. Nicole Marshall, 12, Penn
20. Allie Latta, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
New Haven Boys Teams:
1. Fishers
2. Hamilton Southeastern
3. Concordia Lutheran
4. Goshen
5. Penn
6. Homestead
7. Westview
8. Bishop Dwenger
9. Bellmont
10. Carroll (FW)
11. Mt. Vernon (Fortville)
12. Northridge
13. Huntington North
14. Oak Hill
15. New Haven
New Haven Boys Individuals:
1. Izaiah Steury, 11, Angola
2. Nolan Satterfield, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
3. Karsten Schlegel, 11, Concordia Lutheran
4. Mariano Retzloff, 11, Penn
5. Spencer Carpenter, 12, Westview
6. Will Clark, 12, Fishers
7. Jaylen Castillo, 12, Fishers
8. Jack Patrick, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
9. Matthew Leppert, 12, Fishers
10. Ethan Baitz, 11, Homestead
11. Remington Carpenter, 12, Westview
12. Will Marquardt, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
13. Preston Sloffer, 11, Carroll (FW)
14. Braden Sweet, 12, Southwood
15. Bennett DuBois, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
16. Robert Lohman, 11, Carroll (FW)
17. Drew Hogan, 11, Goshen
18. Cole Johnston, 11, Goshen
19. Gabriel Connelly, 11, Concordia Lutheran
20. William Neubauer, 12, South Bend Adams
As of 9/29/20
New Prairie Girls Teams:
2.Lake Central
7.Harrison (WL)
8.Crown Point
9.Culver Academy
11,West Lafayette
13.Morgan Township
New Prairie Girls Individuals:
1. Karina James11 Lowell
2. Bailey Ranta 11 Chesterton
3. Hailey Orosz 12 Wheeler
4. Lexi Allen 12 Culver Academy
5. Lillian Zelasko 10 New Prairie
6. Kaylie Politza 11 Valparaiso
7. Jennifer Romero 11 Seeger
8. Emma Hellwege 11 Wheeler
9. Madilyn Calloway 11 Rochester
10, Haley Mansfield 12 West Lafayette
11, Jaelyn Burgos 12 Crown Point
12. Ella Bensz 12 LaPorte
13. Julynne Spidell 11 Kokomo
14. Catherine White 11 Chesterton
15. Brenna Sobecki 10 LaPorte
16. Cheyanne Stock 10 Valparaiso
17. Hannah Moore 9 Northwestern
17. Janell Robson 10 Benton Central
18. Natalie Kransky 10 Lake Central
19. Bri Gentry 11 Chesterton
20. Amzie Maienbrook 11 Rensselear Central
New Prairie Boys Teams:
1,Crown Point
4.Lake Central
7.West Lafayette
9.Morgan Township
10.Harrison (WL)
12.Hanover Central
14.Lafayette Jefferson
15.New Prairie
New Prairie Boys Individuals:
1. Lucas Guerra 12 Highland
2. Leonel Soriano 12 Harrison (WL)
3. Cole Raymond 11 LaPorte
4. Quinton Bock 12 Crown Point
5. Cole Simmons 12 Crown Point
6. Elijah Stenberg 10 West Lafayette
7. Dieubeni Baributsa 12 Harrison (WL)
8. Brayden Curnutt 12 Western
8. Bryce Noble 11 Hanover Central
9. Anthony Saberniak 12 Crown Point
10. Jacob Kissling 12 Warsaw
12. Matthew Streeter 12 Chesterton
13. Cole Dolson 11 Chesterton
14. Sam Bell 12 LaPorte
15. Joel Bryant 11 Valparaiso
16. Zakaria Mohiuddin 12 Lake Central
17. Henry Balagtas 11 West Lafayette
18. Owen Thomas 11 Morgan Township
19. Sam Lechlitner 12 Warsaw
20. Zachary Dunn 11 Merillville
New Haven Girls Teams:
1. Carroll (FW)
2. Hamilton Southeastern
3. Penn
4. Concordia Lutheran
5. Homestead
6. Fishers
7. Huntington North
8. Leo
9. Norwell
10. Delta
11. Oak Hill
12. Mt. Vernon (Fortville)
13. Bishop Dwenger
14. East Noble
15. Northridge
New Haven Girls Individuals:
1. Nicki Southerland, 9, Delta
2. Zoe Duffus, 12, Carroll (FW)
3. Addison Knoblauch, 9, Homestead
4. Halle Hill, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
5. Addy Wiley, 11, Huntington North
6. Lauren Bales, 12, Norwell
7. Shelby Christman, 12, Carroll (FW)
8. Sarah Mahnensmith, 12, Norwell
9. Anna Runion, 11, Fishers
10. Maggie Powers, 9, Hamilton Southeastern
11. Sarah Busch, 12, Bishop Luers
12. Brooke Hansen, 11, Carroll (FW)
13. Grace Newton, 10, Hamilton Southeastern
14. Taylor Hansen, 9, Carroll (FW)
15. Lydia Bennett, 10, DeKalb
16. Julie Smith, 11, Penn
17. Lexi Panning, 9, Concordia Lutheran
18. Nicole Marshall, 12, Penn
19. Allie Latta, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
20. Haylee Hile, 10, Northridge
New Haven Boys Teams:
1. Fishers
2. Hamilton Southeastern
3. Concordia Lutheran
4. Penn
5. Goshen
6. Homestead
7. Bishop Dwenger
8. Westview
9. Bellmont
10. Carroll (FW)
11. Mt. Vernon (Fortville)
12. Oak Hill
13. Northridge
14. Huntington North
15. NorthWood
New Haven Boys Individuals:
1. Izaiah Steury, 11, Angola
2. Nolan Satterfield, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
3. Karsten Schlegel, 11, Concordia Lutheran
4. Mariano Retzloff, 11, Penn
5. Spencer Carpenter, 12, Westview
6. Will Clark, 12, Fishers
7. Jaylen Castillo, 12, Fishers
8. Jack Patrick, 12, Hamilton Southeastern
9. Matthew Leppert, 12, Fishers
10. Remington Carpenter, 12, Westview
11. Will Marquardt, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
12. Preston Sloffer, 11, Carroll (FW)
13. Braden Sweet, 12, Southwood
14. Ethan Baitz, 11, Homestead
15. Bennett DuBois, 11, Hamilton Southeastern
16. Robert Lohman, 11, Carroll (FW)
17. Cole Johnston, 11, Goshen
18. Drew Hogan, 11, Goshen
19. William Neubauer, 12, South Bend Adams
20. Daniel Adair, 11, Concordia Lutheran
Brown County Girls Teams:
1. Columbus North
2. Bloomington North
3. Floyd Central
4. Northview
5. Bloomington South
6. Jasper
7. Edgewood
8. Terre Haute South
9. Barr-Reeve
10. Brown County
11. South Knox
12. Corydon Central
13. Princeton
14. Gibson Southern
15. Evansville Reitz
Brown County Girls Individuals:
1. Annalyssa Crain – 12 – Edgewood
2. Mackenzie Barnett – 12 – Columbus North
3. Gnister Grant – 9 – Northview
4. Clara Crain – 10 – Edgewood 5. Andi VanMeter – 11 – Jasper
6. Jaydon Cirincione – 11 – Floyd Central
7. Lily Baker – 10 – Columbus North
8. Brianna Newell – 10 – Columbus North
9. Bea Cakmak – 11 – Bloomington North
10. Ellen White – 10 – Columbus North
11. Rachel Allison – 10 – Bloomington North
12. Katie Winkler – 12 – Heritage Hills
13. Abby Fleetwood – 10 – Brown County
14. Emma Callahan – 10 – Bloomington South
15. Lily Myers – 10 – Bloomington South
16. Jessica Meza – 10 – Columbus North
17. Savanna Liddle – 10 – Floyd Central
18. Hadley Gradolf – 10 – Brown County
19. Ally Wigand – 10 – Jasper 20. Kaitlyn Stewart – 9 – Floyd Central
Brown County Boys Teams:
1. Columbus North
2. Floyd Central
3. Northview
4. Bloomington South
5. Bloomington North
6. Terre Haute North
7. Jasper
8. Terre Haute South
9. Seymour
10. Castle
11. Jennings County
12. Bloomfield
13. Evansville Reitz
14. South Knox
15. Borden
Brown County Boys Individuals:
1. Reese Kilbarger-Stumpff – 11 – Columbus North
2. Camden Marshall – 12 – Corydon Central
3. Spenser Wolf – 12 – Forest Park
4. Matt Newell – 11 – Columbus North
5. Andy Stohr – 12 – Columbus North
6. Austin Pulkowski – 12 – Columbus North
7. Nolan Bailey – 11 – Bloomington North
8. Evan Carr – 11 – Columbus North
9. Abe Eckman – 11 – Jasper
10. Matt Gambill – 11 – Terre Haute South
11. Hunter Griffin – 12 – Floyd Central
12. Collin Pruitt – 12 – Columbus North
13. Dylan Bland – 12 – Southridge
14. Jcim Grant – 9 – Northview
15. Thomas Chapman – 12 – Northview
16. Cael Light – 12 – Terre Haute South
17. John Asplund – 12 – Bloomington South 18. Carson Heath – 12 – Martinsville
19. Will Conway – 9 – Floyd Central
20. Corbin Butts – 12 – Northview
Shelbyville Girls Teams:
3.Franklin Central
4.North Central
6.Franklin Community
9.Center Grove
11,Bishop Chatard
12.New Palestine
Shelbyville Boys Teams:
4.Center Grove
7.Guerin Catholic
8.Franklin Central
10.North Central
11,Ben Davis