2nd Annual IndianaRunner.com Cross Country Coaches Clinic
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Westfield High School – Westfield, IN
IndianaRunner.com will be hosting its second annual cross country coaches clinic on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at Westfield High School in Westfield, IN.
Our keynote speaker will be Coach Ron Helmer, nationally recognized Director and Head Coach for men’s and women’s track and field and cross country at Indiana University.
We will also feature Coach Phil Yoder, head coach of the Carroll HS girl’s team, who have won back-to-back team state championships. Additionally, we are excited to have FW Concordia Coach, Scott Steffen, as a presenter. Coach Steffen's boys team won the 2019 IHSAA state title.
This year we will also be offering two sessions specifically for middle school coaches! Coach Tim Rayle (Ph.D.), who coached the North Clay MS girl’s team to the Indiana middle school team state title in 2017, will be presenting on training and coaching/team culture ideas at the middle school level.
We are still working to finalize details with additional speakers and we will be inviting coaches of girl’s and boy’s podium (top 5 at state) teams to attend to participate in a panel discussion.